List of papers related to
the DigiHive environment.
Sienkiewicz R., 2009, Experiments with the Universal Constructor in the DigiHive Environment, Artificial Life: Borrowing from Biology, 4th Australian Conference, ACAL 2009, Melbourne, Australia, December 1-4, 2009, LNAI 5865, pp. 106-115, Bibtex.
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Sienkiewicz R., Jędruch W., 2009, The universal constructor in the DigiHive environment, Proceedings of 10th European Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL 2009, Budapest, Hungary, LNCS 5778, pp. 178-186, Bibtex.
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Jędruch W., Sienkiewicz R., 2008, Modelowanie systemów samoreprodukujących się, Metody informatyki stosowanej, 16(3):135—147 (in Polish), Bibtex.
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Sienkiewicz R., 2007, A new language in an artificial life environment, D. Rutkowska (Eds.): PD FCCS 2007: 3rd Polish and International PD Forum-Conference on Computer Science, Smardzewice-Łódź, Poland (in Polish), Bibtex.
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Sienkiewicz R., Jędruch W., 2007, An artificial environment for Simulation of emergent Behaviour, Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms: 8th International Conference, ICANNGA 2007, Warsaw, Poland, April 11-14, 2007, Proceedings, Part I, LNCS 4431, pp. 386-393, Bibtex.
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Jędruch W., Sienkiewicz R., 2007, Inteligencja zespołowa, Kowalczuk Z., Wiszniewski B (Eds.), Inteligentne wydobywanie informacji w celach diagnostycznych, PWNT, Gdańsk, Poland (in Polish), Bibtex.
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Jędruch W., Sienkiewicz R., 2006, Modelowanie indywiduowe, Aplikacje rozproszone i systemy internetowe, Kask Book, pp. 241-252, Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Poland (in Polish), Bibtex.
Knitter S., 2006, Badanie dynamiki systemów samoreprodukujących się w sztucznym środowisku, Master's thesis, Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Poland (in Polish), Bibtex.
Sienkiewicz R., Jędruch W., 2006, The universe for individual based modelling, Tech. Report 11/2006/ETI, Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Poland, Bibtex.
Sienkiewicz R., Jędruch W., 2004, Self-organization in an artificial environment, Proceedings of an VI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI-19'2004, Nr 23, pp 81-88, Siedlce, Poland, Bibtex.